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A Magazine for Alumni and Friends of Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Vol. 24, No. 4 Summer 2000

Table of Contents and Masthead (PDF) 76 KB

Editor's Note by Dana Cook Grossman, and Staff List      (HTML) (PDF) 17 KB


Good Will      (HTML) (PDF) 449 KB
By Donald Kollisch, M.D. (email)

The old farmer was trying to be the best patient he could. The doctor was trying to be the best caregiver he could. The message, in this short story by a DMS faculty member, is that treating the disease isn't all there is to medicine.

What Makes My Baby Blue?      (HTML) (PDF) 252 KB Continued pdf 44 KB
By Roger P. Smith, Ph.D.

That popular-song lament is also a question that's puzzled epidemiologists for the past half-century. Was it really rural well-water that made hundreds of infants turn blue? Why did the number of cases suddenly decline? As this saga by a member of the DMS faculty indicates, the annals of science will always, by their very nature, be incomplete.

Scrambled Sounds
     (HTML) (PDF) 340 KB By Laura Stephenson Carter

Central auditory processing disorder is to the ear as dyslexia is to the eye. Just as dyslexics can see the words, but some letters get jumbled in their brains, those with CAPD can hear, but their brains can't process some sounds. The disorder is often misdiagnosed, but that will change if DHMC's Frank Musiek has his way.

Eye-Concept Art      (HTML) (PDF) 258 KB
By Anita Dennis

Patrick Saine, an ophthalmic photographer at DHMC, turns photographs of retinas into works of art that have been attracting national attention. (website)


Vital Signs      (HTML) (PDF) 636 KB

The news this issue ranges from the familiar (the annual tradition of Match Day) to the offbeat (a study that uses tattooed students as research subjects).

Student Perspective      (HTML) (PDF) 33 KB
"Helping in the outdoors"
By Timothy Burdick (email)

Letters      (HTML) (PDF) 60 KB Continued pdf 44 KB

Faculty Matters      (HTML) (PDF) 58 KB
"Following the crowd"
By John D. Birkmeyer, M.D. (email)

Development      (HTML) (PDF) 139 KB

"Insights from history"
Jonathan Weisberg

Alumni Album      (HTML) (PDF) 72 KB
"Geoffrey Birchard, Ph.D. '86: Devoted to dragons"

Faculty Focus      (HTML) (PDF) 51 KB
"Lisabeth Maloney: Putting medicine in perspective"

Bench to Bedside      (HTML) (PDF) 53 KB
"A new look at diabetes"
By Paul J. Beisswenger, M.D.

Viewpoint      (HTML) (PDF) 89 KB
"Eliminating errors"
By Joseph R. Wilder, M.D. (website)

From the Dean      (HTML) (PDF) 59 KB
"Mapping the future"
By John C. Baldwin, M.D.

These kaleidoscopic works of art are a by-product of Patrick Saine's work as a certified retinal angiographer. The accompanying story, which starts on page 38, describes how he stumbled onto a process that has brought him much creative fulfillment.

Dartmouth Medicine seeks to convey the breadth and depth of the education, research, and patient-care activities of DMS and DHMC; to serve as a publication of historical record; to stimulate thought and discussion on issues in medicine and medical education; and to reflect the range of opinions and activities among Dartmouth medical students, faculty, and alumni. Among abbreviations used regularly in these pages are DMS (Dartmouth Medical School), DHMC (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center), MHMH (Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital), DC (Dartmouth College), and HS (housestaff). The opinions of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of DMS or DHMC.

Dartmouth Medicine is published four times a year—in Fall (September), Winter (December), Spring (March), and Summer (June). It is produced using a Macintosh G3 and Quark XPress 4.04.

We are happy to send Dartmouth Medicine—on a complimentary basis —to anyone who is interested in the subjects that are covered in the magazine. Write us if you'd like to be added to our rolls. We regret, however, that the complimentary subscription offer can be extended only to addresses within North America.

Because our mailing list comes from eight separate databases, some readers may receive duplicate copies. Please share extra copies with someone else, or send us the address panels from all the copies you receive and we will be glad to eliminate the duplication.

Dartmouth Medicine
One Medical Center Drive (HB 7070)
Lebanon, NH 03756
Phone: 603/653-0772
Fax: 603/653-0775
E-mail: dartmed@dartmouth.edu

Copyright 2000 Dartmouth College
Printed by Lane Press
Burlington, VT

The contents of Dartmouth Medicine magazine may not be reproduced or reposted without permission, but we are often able—and happy—to extend such permission. We can be reached at DartMed@Dartmouth.edu

Printed on recycled paper

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