Table of Contents
A Magazine for Alumni and Friends of Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Vol. 34, No. 4 • Summer 2010
Alumnus Chidi Achebe wields powerful weapons—an M.D., an M.P.H., and an M.B.A., plus a can-do spirit—in addressing the health-care disparities and needs of Boston's inner city.
Both Sides Now
By Trevor Bayliss, M.D.
A young physician-in-training writes about the doctor-patient relationship from the perspective of someone who has experienced both sides of that bond.
What Matters
By Meredith J. Sorensen, M.D.
When a surgery resident arrived in Tanzania for a four-week rotation, she was at first horrified by the conditions there. But as the weeks passed, she came to appreciate the constraints and to realize what really matters in medicine.
The decades-long quest to parse the piecemeal nature of the American health-care system has put Dartmouth on the map. But along with plaudits has come criticism. Here, two experts behind the renowned Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care explain why its findings really do hold up.
Unfortunately, it rained the day photographer Jon Gilbert Fox was in Boston to photograph Dr. Chidi Achebe. But there's a silver lining to the day's clouds in that the umbrella Achebe obligingly hoisted is not a bad metaphor for the coverage he extends to the residents of Boston's inner city. See the associated feature, "Meeting Needs".
Dartmouth Medicine seeks to convey the breadth and depth of the education, research, and clinical activities of DMS and DHMC; to serve as a publication of historical record; to stimulate thought and discussion on issues in medicine and medical education; and to reflect the range of opinions and activities among Dartmouth medical students, faculty, and alumni. Abbreviations used in these pages include DMS (Dartmouth Medical School), DHMC (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center), MHMH (Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital), and DC (Dartmouth College). The opinions of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of DMS or DHMC.
Editor's Note
"We're big on being green"
By Dana Cook Grossman
- Putting some teeth in the attack on Alzheimer's
- Tool quantifies pancreatic transplant risk
- Don't take this with a grain of salt!
- Doctors' hours are dropping
- Rumored effect is still a puzzle
- When good cells go bad
- Rogue molecule is linked to lung cancer
- Research briefs
Vital Signs
- A "clarion call" from the North Country, thanks to a $35-million donation
- DMS celebrates mid-March Match madness
- Crohn's tool is a "home-made" solution
- Elective is valuable, beyond a shadow of a doubt
- Program puts back problems on the front burner
- Clinical Observation
- Facts & Figures
- VA mental-health portal is first of its kind
- Educators are beating a path to this door
- Investigator Insight
- Media Mentions: DMS and DHMC in the news
- Worthy of Note: Honors, awards, appointments, etc.
- Then & Now
- News Briefs
Point of View
"The long goodbye"
By Sherry A. Guardino, D.O.
Grand Rounds
By Athos Rassias, M.D.
Student Notebook
"Striking matches"
By Sarah Dotters-Katz
"Small foundations, big impacts"
By Kate Villars
Faculty Focus
"Brian Lacy, M.D., Ph.D.: Dr. Nice Guy"
—By Jennifer Durgin
Alumni Album
"Judith Chamberlain, M.D., '77: All in the family"—By Jennifer Durgin
Art of Medicine
"Bragg Hill"
By Henry Isaacs
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