- "Meeting Needs"
By Amos Esty
Alumnus Chidi Achebe wields powerful weapons--an M.D., an M.P.H., and an M.B.A., plus a can-do spirit--in addressing the health-care disparities and needs of Boston's inner city. - "Both Sides Now"
By Trevor Bayliss, M.D.
A young physician-in-training writes about the doctor-patient relationship from the perspective of someone who has experienced both sides of that bond. - "What Matters"
By Meredith J. Sorensen, M.D.
When a surgery resident arrived in Tanzania for a four-week rotation, she was at first horrified by the conditions there. But as the weeks passed, she came to appreciate the constraints and to realize what really matters in medicine. - "Map Quest"
The decades-long quest to parse the piecemeal nature of the American health-care system has put Dartmouth on the map. But along with plaudits has come criticism. Here, two experts behind the renowned Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care explain why its findings really do hold up.
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