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Map Quest
Dartmouth researchers have spent years documenting and examining regional variations in the use of health care in the United States. Their findings, published in the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care, have long been noted by the media, but the research has been the subject of even closer scrutiny of late, in part because of its prominence in the debate over health-care reform. Recently, critics of the Atlas have pointed to what they feel are shortcomings of the work. In the Summer 2010 issue of Dartmouth Medicine, lead Atlas researchers Elliott Fisher, M.D., and Jonathan Skinner, Ph.D., responded to some of these criticisms in the article "Map Quest." Some of these articles published over the years in Dartmouth Medicine on Atlas research are available below. You can also learn more about the Atlas at www.dartmouthatlas.org.
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Dartmouth Medicine articles on the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care:
- Summer 2009: "The Road to Reform"
- Spring 2009: "The Supply Side of Medicine"
- Fall 2008: "RWJF initiative is based on research done at Dartmouth"
- Summer 2008: "'Vox clamantis' about more M.D.'s"
- Winter 2007: "Braveheart"
- Fall 2007: "A changing of the guard (and the name) at CECS"
- Spring 2007: "The State of the Nation's Health"
- Winter 2006: "Faculty Focus: David Goodman, M.D."
- Winter 2005: "Race affects care at the hospital level"
- Spring 2003: "Assessing outcomes of high-cost care at the end of life"
If you'd like to offer feedback about these articles, we'd welcome getting your comments at DartMed@Dartmouth.edu.
These articles may not be reproduced or reposted without permission. To inquire about permission, contact DartMed@Dartmouth.edu.