A magazine for alumni and friends of Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. |
Vol. 24, No. 3 Spring 2000 |
Table of Contents and Masthead (PDF) 78 KB
Editor's Note by Dana Cook Grossman, and Staff List (HTML) (PDF) 17 KB
In Schweitzer's Shadow
(PDF) 428 KB
Three months of working at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Africa. Three months of contemplating the legacy of the fabled French humanist. Three months of pondering his own future in medicine: A DMS student reflects on his time in the shadow of the late great medical missionary. |
Doing Battle (HTML) (PDF) 699 KB
The Veterans Affairs medical system has long been doing battle against the special health problems of veterans. And, of late, the VA has been engaged in fiscal battle. Here are some insights into the patient population the VA serves and into how Dartmouth benefits from its affiliation with the White River Junction VA.
Once and Future Medicine
(PDF) 346 KB
By Laura Stephenson Carter
What a difference a century makes! First look back at some of the medical and technological advances that have occurred since 1900, then marvel at some prognostications about the state of medicine in 2100.
Intimate Strangers (HTML) (PDF) 696 KB The wonders and mysteries of the world of microbes are explored in a new book coauthored by the former chair of biochemistry at DMS. Here are some excerpts from the just-published work. |
Student Perspective
(PDF) 47 KB
"You bet!"
By Travis Matheney (email)
Faculty Matters
(PDF) 33 KB
"First, we measure"
By Gerald T. O'Connor, Ph.D.,
D.Sc. (email),
and Susan Benson, M.S., M.P.A.
(PDF) 42 KB
"Desperately seeking humanity"
By Dean J. Seibert, M.D.
Development (HTML) (PDF) 127 KB
"Remembering a mentor"Sandy Adams
Alumni Album
(PDF) 43 KB
"Peter Kwiterovich '64: Battling cholesterol"
Peter Kwiterovich '64
Faculty Focus
(PDF) 42 KB
"Barry Smith: A collaborative approach"
Barry Smith
From the Dean
(PDF) 37 KB
"In committee veritas"
By John C. Baldwin, M.D.
DMS student Will Anninger is pictured here with the nursing staff on the internal medicine service at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Gabon. The background photo of Schweitzer is courtesy of the Schweitzer Fellowship. Anninger's account starts on page 22.
Dartmouth Medicine seeks to convey the breadth and depth of the education, research, and patient-care activities of DMS and DHMC; to serve as a publication of historical record; to stimulate thought and discussion on issues in medicine and medical education; and to reflect the range of opinions and activities among Dartmouth medical students, faculty, and alumni. Among abbreviations used regularly in these pages are DMS (Dartmouth Medical School), DHMC (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center), MHMH (Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital), DC (Dartmouth College), and HS (housestaff). The opinions of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of DMS or DHMC.
Dartmouth Medicine is published four times a yearin Fall (September), Winter (December), Spring (March), and Summer (June). It is produced using a Macintosh G3 and Quark XPress 4.04.
We are happy to send Dartmouth Medicineon a complimentary basis to anyone who is interested in the subjects that are covered in the magazine. Write us if you'd like to be added to our rolls. We regret, however, that the complimentary subscription offer can be extended only to addresses within North America.
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Dartmouth Medicine
One Medical Center Drive (HB 7070)
Lebanon, NH 03756
Phone: 603/653-0772
Fax: 603/653-0775
E-mail: dartmed@dartmouth.edu
(c) 2000 Dartmouth College
Printed by Lane Press
Burlington, VT
The contents of Dartmouth Medicine magazine may not be reproduced or reposted without permission, but we are often ableand happyto extend such permission. We can be reached at DartMed@Dartmouth.edu
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