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A Magazine for Alumni and Friends of Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

  • Vol. 27, No. 1 Fall 2002
  • Table of Contents and Masthead (PDF)

    Editor's Note by Dana Cook Grossman, and Staff List (HTML) (PDF)


    "The Art of Surgery" (HTML) (PDF)
    By Joseph R. Wilder, M.D.

    In his paintings of life in the operating room, noted artist and surgeon Joseph Wilder, a graduate of Dartmouth College, offers revealing insights into a milieu that is at once awesomely technical and profoundly intimate.

    "In Our Midst" (HTML) (PDF)
    By Laura Stephenson Carter

    When neonatologists save a premature infant, what does the future hold for the baby? Caregivers can't predict with certainty. But now, a new documentary produced at Dartmouth may help both providers and parents face the long-term ramifications of some of modern medicine's toughest issues.

    "President Wheelock & the Smallpox Caper" (HTML) (PDF) (Continued PDF)
    By Seymour Wheelock, M.D.

    Back in 1776, the Dartmouth campus was a hotbed of dissension about the advisability of being inoculated against smallpox. Ironically, it's a topic that is once again in the news in the days of bioterrorist threats.

    (HTML) By Emily R. Transue, M.D.

    The elderly homeless man had difficulty talking and was suffering from mild dementia. But one day a young doctor opened a door to his past and discovered that he had been a pilot in the Pacific during World War II. And that he had a compelling story to tell.


    Vital Signs (HTML) (PDF)

    The news in this issue includes the lowdown on a highly placed study about medicine in the media (page 3), insights into a new photoreceptor (page 4), photos from DMS's Class Day (page 6), stories about a new chair of psychiatry (page 12) and chief of neurology (page 13), and more.

    Letters (HTML) (PDF)

    Faculty Matters (HTML) (PDF)
    "Compassion fatigue"
    By Steven Atkins, Psy.D.

    Point of View (HTML) (PDF)
    "Musings on AIDS in Asia"
    By Amos R. Townsend, M.D.

    Development (HTML) (PDF)
    "Investing in talent"
    Robyn E. Mosher

    Faculty Focus (HTML) (PDF) (Continued PDF)
    "John Modlin: A high-profile post"
    By Laura Stephenson Carter

    Alumni Album (HTML) (PDF)
    "Raymond Alexanian '53: Myeloma pioneer"
    By Laura Stephenson Carter

    Student Perspective
    (HTML) (PDF) "A boundless world"
    By Wendy Gray and Timothy Burdick

    From the Dean (HTML) (PDF)
    "The right size and values"
    By Ethan Dmitrovsky, M.D.

    Cover (JPG) (PDF)

    Dartmouth Medicine seeks to convey the breadth and depth of the education, research, and clinical activities of DMS and DHMC; to serve as a publication of historical record; to stimulate thought and discussion on issues in medicine and medical education; and to reflect the range of opinions and activities among Dartmouth medical students, faculty, and alumni. Among abbreviations used regularly in these pages are DMS (Dartmouth Medical School), DHMC (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center), MHMH (Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital), DC (Dartmouth College), and HS (housestaff). The opinions of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of DMS or DHMC.

    Dartmouth Medicine is published four times a year—the Fall issue in late September, Winter in late December, Spring in late March, and Summer in late June.

    We are happy to send Dartmouth Medicine—on a complimentary basis— to anyone who is interested in the subjects that are covered in the magazine. Write us if you'd like to be added to our rolls. Please note, however, that the complimentary subscription offer can be extended only to addresses within North America.

    Because our mailing list comes from seven separate databases, some readers may receive duplicate copies. Please share extra copies with someone else, or send us the address panels from all copies you receive, and we'll be glad to eliminate the duplication.

    The contents of this magazine may not be reproduced without permission, but we are usually able—and happy—to extend such permission.

    Dartmouth Medicine
    One Medical Center Drive (HB 7070)
    Lebanon, NH 03756
    Phone: 603/653-0772
    Fax: 603/653-0775
    E-mail: DartMed@Dartmouth.edu

    (c) 2003 Dartmouth College
    Printed in the U.S.A. by Lane Press
    South Burlington, Vt.

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