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  • "The Accidental Ambassador"
    By Paul Charlton ('14)
    Paul charlton went to pakistan to spend time in the mountains. He returned to spend time with the people.

  • "Information Overload"
    By Alexander Gelfand
    Data is piling up like snowflakes in a blizzard. A new Ph.D. program at Geisel is training students how to figure out what to do with it all.

  • "A Dog has Its Day"
    By Amos Esty
    The future of cancer treatment is 12 years old, weighs 21 pounds, and wears a purple collar.

  • "The New Smoking?"
    By Matthew C. Wiencke
    Smoking has declined over the years, but a new cancer risk—obesity—may be taking its place. William Kinlaw and other Geisel researchers study how tumors obtain fat, research that supports a strong link between obesity and cancer.

  • "Preparing for Takeoff"
    By Amos Esty
    Medicine is changing, and medical education is changing with it. A pilot program at Geisel is testing a new approach to the first-year curriculum to give students more time with a faculty mentor and a long-term outlook on primary care.

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Geisel School of Medicine at DartmouthDartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterWhite River Junction VAMCNorris Cotton Cancer CenterDartmouth College