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Dartmouth Medical School Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center


  • "Defense Mechanism"
    By Amos Esty

    Our national defense is in jeopardy, argues DMS faculty member Kendall Hoyt, due to a decline in the success of the U.S. vaccine industry. During the 20th century, many diseases—from polio to smallpox—were felled by vaccines. But in the 21st, we've been unable to develop agents against either natural scourges like SARS or bioweapons like anthrax.

  • "Ice Pick"
    By Malcolm Schongalla

    When a Dartmouth medical student picked Antarctica as the place to serve one of his elective rotations, he was consigning himself to seven weeks of ice, snow, and cold. But he came away with warm feelings for those who work at the far end of the Earth.

  • "Up, Up, and Away!"
    By Jennifer Durgin

    Launching a research career in the biomedical sciences takes more than just the right degrees and training. To become successful, young scientists must also land at a supportive institution, get guidance from a savvy mentor, and find what some call the "fire in the belly." At DMS, several new initiatives are helping junior researchers learn to soar scientifically.

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