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Vital Signs
Then & Now
A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from the Fall 1986 issue of this magazine:
Drs. Justin and Maj Stormo Gipson, DMS '82s, wrote about their young family's stay in Nicar agua: "We live and work in Jinotega, an agricultural center. . . . The vast majority of health problems here (as throughout the Third World) stem from public health problems. . . . Diarrhea, with subsequent dehydration, is the numberone cause of death in children. Parasites are rampant, and malnutrition continues to be a problem, especially in bottle-fed infants."
Number of years DMS
otolaryngologist Dr. James
Saunders has been aiding
Jinotegans (see the article "An Uphill Battle" for
more on his work there)
A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from a 1987 booklet titled Norris Cotton Cancer Center History: The Early Years:
"The first cancer center building—a two-story cement structure, located entirely underground, with three-foot-thick walls to shield new multi-millionvolt radiation therapy equipment—was completed [in 1972]. . . . Personnel needs were also addressed. The plans called for [recruiting] a third radiation therapist."
Sites where Norris Cotton
Cancer Center facilities
are now located
Square feet at its main facility in Lebanon, N.H.
Number of radiation oncologists now on the staff
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