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Vital Signs

Then & Now

A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from Fifty Years of Service, a 1943 history of Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital:

"The Hospital was one of the first in America to be built on the pavilion plan. . . . At the end of each corridor was a one-story domed ward, 28 by 36 feet, each accommodating 10 patients and each having projections to the north containing four private rooms. Further to the north . . . was the surgical unit, containing a highdomed operating theater."

Number of surgical patients during the Hospital's first three years (1893-1896)

Number of surgeries at DHMC in 2006

Number of operating rooms at DHMC today

A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from the 1937-38 DMS Bulletin:

"The railroad station known as 'Norwich and Hanover' . . . is seldom used as an approach to [Dartmouth]. Members of the community and visitors usually detrain atWhite River Junction, five miles south, where connections for all points via the Boston and Maine RR may be made. . . . Baggage may be checked through for delivery at any point in the village at a reasonable [fee]."

Average number of trains daily intoWhite River Junction in 1937-38

Number today

Number of flights daily into Lebanon, N.H., Airport

A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from the Spring 1965 DMS Quarterly:

Dr. Philip Nice, DMS's associate dean, described a "remarkable change that has taken place [at] Dartmouth Medical School"—the fact that in 1959, an entering class of 24 students had been admitted from a pool of 285 applicants, whereas just five years later, in 1964, a class of 48 students was admitted from a pool of 697 applicants. "The number of students has been doubled without compromising quality," Nice emphasized, and "warm student-faculty relationships have endured this period of expansion."

Students in the M.D. class that entered DMS in 2006

Applicants for that class

A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from the 1977 Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital Annual Review:

"It is people who make the Hospital and, most importantly, people who care. Social change, political and economic pressures, miraculous technological developments, and public expectations have brought new and profound challenges to hospitals everywhere. These challenges are being met at [MHMH] by a dedicated, skilled, and compassionate group of people."

Outpatient visits in 1976

MHMH workforce in 1976

1.7 million
Outpatient visits in 2006

DHMC workforce in 2006

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Dartmouth Medical SchoolDartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterWhite River Junction VAMCNorris Cotton Cancer CenterDartmouth College