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Transforming Medicine Campaign

Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It's the only thing.
 —Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)

Celebrating generosity

By Kate Villars

Almost 200 friends and supporters gathered with Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center leadership and faculty on the evening of September 27 to celebrate the progress of the Transforming Medicine Campaign.

The Donor Appreciation Reception—an annual tradition for more than two decades—brings together friends from the community and the alumni body to learn how their generosity to DMS and DHMC is improving lives not only throughout the region but also all across the country. This year's event took place in a beautifully decorated tent on the lawn of DHMC.

Special announcement
A special announcement by Dartmouth College President JamesWright gave added cause for celebration at this year's reception. Those attending were the first to learn of a landmark $20-million gift commitment by the Campaign's chair,Dr. Peter Williamson, and his wife, Susan. The gift is the largest single gift in the history of the Medical School and Medical Center. (For more on the Williamsons' gift, see this article.) Thunderous applause—and even real thunder from an evening rainstorm passing overhead—accompanied the announcement, as audience members rose to their feet to give Peter and Susan Williamson a standing ovation for their generosity and leadership.

Tribute was also paid to the Campaign's employee donors. Nancy Formella, president of Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital and the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Alliance, shared the results of DHMC's first-ever Employee Giving Campaign, a three-month effort that concluded on August 31 with almost 900 staff members participating. Since the start of the Transforming Medicine Campaign in 2002, employees have contributed nearly $6 million. "That's evidence of how excited people are to work here and how much our employees also want to give back," said Formella.

Those attending the event were the first to learn of a landmark $20-million gift commitment by Peter and Susan Williamson.

The event's highlight was the announcement by Dartmouth President James Wright (left) of a $20-million gift from Peter and SusanWilliamson (right and second from right). Also pictured are MHMH President Nancy Formella (in blue) and the Williamsons' daughter Debbie (in white).

Almost 200 donors enjoyed the festivities.

"Our mission is to train outstanding leaders in medicine. . .
Such excellence often begins with inquisitiveness in high
school science classes."

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Kate Villars is assistant director of development communications for DMS-DHMC

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