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Turning Thirty: Numbers
Sometimes a story can be told with a few numbers or spare facts. On these two pages are some numerical insights into the institutions that are the magazine's subject matter. They were drawn from our own pages as well as from back issues of assorted other publications.
Included here are some random facts (and amusing factoids) about Dartmouth medicine—not the magazine, but the institutions that it covers. The primary reason for the selection of these particular tidbits was that they all contain the number "three" (with and without one or more leading/trailing zeroes) in honor of the magazine's three decades.
Year when annual tuition
at DMS first topped
Year when annual tuition
first topped $3,000

Tuition for one
semester in 1951
Year when annual tuition
first topped $300—jumping
28% from $280 to $360
Years of college coursework
required for admission
to DMS in 1920

Materials fee in 1910
for the second-year
bacteriology course

Number of biomedical books
in the library in 1955
(today there are 240,000)
Minimum fee for
use of the operating room
imposed during World War I
Number of years (1948-1978)
William Wilson was MHMH's
chief administrator

Number of patients cared for at
MHMH in '30 (1930, that is)
Number of dumbwaiters in
the "completely renovated
and modernized" MHMH
kitchen in 1970
Number of graduates in the
Class of '30 (1830, that is)
Hours of physiology required
in the first and second year
during the mid-1930s

Year MHMH received a
$3-million grant that made it
one of the first regional cancer
centers funded under the
National Cancer Act
Years of study (year-round)
required to complete the
"innovative" M.D. program
introduced in 1970; deemed
too intense, it was replaced by
a four-year program in 1980
Year that an M.D. class
(of 84) was first chosen from
more than 3,000 applicants

1930, that is—year the
Hitchcock Clinic hired its
first radiologist
Year when annual research
grants and contracts first
topped $30 million
Total number of DMS
faculty members in 1935

Number of current DMS
faculty members named
Katherine or Kathleen
(or a variant spelling)

Hours of medical statistics,
including "tabular and
graphical presentation of
data," required in 1947-48
Years until DMS celebrates
its 300th birthday
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