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Turning Thirty: Pictures
A picture is, as the
saying goes, worth
a thousand words.
So here are 15,000
words' worth of
images from past
issues. The reasons
we chose them
vary. Some are
timeless in their
graphic impact.
Some are amusingly
dated. And some
tell a fascinating
story (together with
a few actual words).
Included here are a selection of
photographs—nearly all of them ones
taken especially for this magazine—that have appeared in our pages in
the course of 30 years. The captions
indicate the issue in which the picture
was first published and the reason
it was chosen for this retrospective.
Photo by: Jon Gilbert Fox
Summer 2006: This pair of prion researchers—Surachai Supattapone, left, and Nick
Orem—struck a striking pose as they studied the results from a Western blot.
Photo by: Jon Gilbert Fox
Winter 1991: Teaching in medicine and science sometimes takes place in
huge lecture halls but also happens on the spot, here and there, one-on-one
(or two). Here, radiologist Susan Harper offers an insight to two students.
Photo by: Joseph Mehling
Summer-Fall 1997: Former dean
Marsh Tenney points to his tiny office
in a model of the building from which
he "refounded" DMS in the 1950s.
Photo by: Flying Squirrel Graphics
Summer 2002: When we wrote about anesthesiology resident
Ann Bartlett's penchant for wearing an Orvis fishing
vest in the OR—because of the practicality of its pockets—the fishing gear firm e-mailed us to inquire about using the
image in their catalog, though they never actually did so.
Photo by: H.H.H. Langill
Spring 1978: This photo recorded for posterity the taking
of the first clinical x-ray in America, at Dartmouth, in
1896. And the image itself is historic, too—it's the first
photograph of a scientific experiment actually in progress.
Photo by: Flying Squirrel Graphics
Spring 2004: Over 80% of first- and
second-years do some community service.
Roy Wade and Shirin Sioshansi
raised awareness among classmates
of the impact of culture on care.
Photo by: Joseph Mehling
Summer 1996: Learning (and teaching) the art of the doctor-patient relationship
was clearly a delight for first-year Julia Bossung and pediatrician Steve Kairys.
Photo by: Mario Morgado
Spring 2002: The sterile reprocessing
of surgical implements is one of many
behind-the-scenes hospital functions.
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