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Turning Thirty: Pictures
A picture is, as the saying goes, worth a thousand words. So here are 15,000 words' worth of images from past issues. The reasons we chose them vary. Some are timeless in their graphic impact. Some are amusingly dated. And some tell a fascinating story (together with a few actual words).
Included here are a selection of photographs—nearly all of them ones taken especially for this magazine—that have appeared in our pages in the course of 30 years. The captions indicate the issue in which the picture was first published and the reason it was chosen for this retrospective.

Fall 1976: The row of ashtrays down the center of the conference table at this meeting of the DMS Overseers makes it clear how accepted smoking used to be.

Winter 1991: Piles of pillows and clocks were among the countless items transferred from Hanover when the new Lebanon DHMC campus opened.

Fall 1990: Every graduate feels on top of the world on Class Day, but this angle made Jeff Scricca and Kelly McAleese appear especially colossal.

Spring 1986 (left), Fall 2005 (above): Computing then (cardiologist Jim Bell at an original-issue Mac) and now (an oncall resident, center, checks some scans.

Fall 2003 (above): If painter James Whistler had produced this arresting image of volunteer pianist Bill Emerson tickling the ivories at DHMC, would it be titled A Study in Black and White?
Winter 1995 (left): Four years after the move to Lebanon, the old hospital in Hanover bit the dust. A parking lot and an undergraduate dormitory now occupy the site.