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Turning Thirty
Dartmouth Medicine was spawned in 1976, when the dictum "Don't trust anyone over thirty" was still in vogue. In the three decades since then—through one name change, several redesigns, many production improvements, and, most significantly, countless changes in its subject matter—the magazine has endeavored to earn the trust of readers, to engage you in Dartmouth medicine.
This magazine has marked any number of institutional anniversaries. In our Fall 1993 issue, we feted a feisty "toddler," covering a health fair held to celebrate the first birthday of the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth. In a special, double Summer-Fall 1997 issue, we marked the 200th birthday of the grand doyen of Dartmouth medicine, the Medical School.
And these pages have contained mention of any number of birthdays in between those two extremes: The fifth anniversary of the partnership between DMS and Kosovo (Winter 2005); the 10th of the Intensive Care Nursery (Spring 1983); the 25th of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center (Winter 1997) and of Dartmouth's Dana Biomedical Library (Spring 1989); the 50th of Dartmouth's affiliation with the Veteran's Affairs Medical Center in White River Junction, Vt. (Winter 1988); the 75th of the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic (Winter 2002); and the 100th of Mary Hitchcock Hospital (Fall 1993).
But never, except in the most passing fashion, has Dartmouth Medicine marked any of its own anniversaries. The first issue of what was then called The Dartmouth Medical School Alumni Magazine was published in Fall 1976. That means the magazine just turned 30 and is now in its 31st year of publication. We've been honored over the years by readers' trust, feedback, suggestions, and engagement with our subject matter: the fascination of the biological sciences, the wonder of technological advances in health care, the revolution of outcomes research, and the humanity of the practice of medicine.
In light of many of the anniversaries we've marked in our pages, a 30th is pretty paltry. But considering the changes in our subject matter as much as in the magazine itself, we decided the event was worth marking. Here are a few facts about the magazine's three decades:

Name from 1976-1989: The Dartmouth Medical School Alumni Magazine
Name since 1990: Dartmouth Medicine
Total number of issues published: 102
Total number of pages published: 5,604
Number of pages in Vol. 1, No. 1: 40
Number of photos/illustrations in Vol. 1, No.1: 41
Number of pages in Vol. 31, No. 1: 72
Number of photos/illustrations in Vol. 31, No. 1: 143
Issues with the fewest pages: Winter 1985, Winter 1986, and Spring 1986 (28)
Issue with the most pages: Summer-Fall 1997 (104)
Issues per year from 1976-1984: 2
Issues per year from 1984-1987: 3
Issues per year from 1987-2006: 4
Back cover ad from 1976-1986: New England Journal of Medicine
Number of different back cover advertisers since: 8
First issue with any color inside: Fall 1981 (a two-page spread featuring murals in the Norris Cotton Cancer Center)
First issue with full-color inside: Spring 2003
Circulation of Vol. 1, No. 1: 8,000
Circulation of Vol. 31, No. 1: 28,000
And on the following pages, we've used our 30th anniversary as a springboard for reflection. We hope you'll continue to invest us with your trust now that we've reached the advanced age of 30!