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A Magazine for Alumni and Friends of Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Vol. 30, No. 2 Winter 2005


Seismic Effects
By Laura Stephenson Carter

When a region is hit by a natural disaster, immediate humanitarian relief is important. But so, too, is long-range rebuilding. Three DMS alumni who are seasoned international relief workers share their stories about helping out after the 2004 Asian tsunami—and their advice for the future.

Dancing Words
By Jonathan M. Ross, M.D., and Robert S. Foote, M.D.

"Poetry is to prose as dancing is to walking," English poet John Barrington Wain wrote. Come dance, then, with a pair of physicians on the Dartmouth faculty as they wrap the day-to-day realities of their work in lyrical metaphor.

The Dufek File
By By Timothy Takaro, M.D.

The story of the first pacemaker implantation performed behind the Iron Curtain is as suspenseful as any John le Carré novel. But this saga's literary twists and technological turns—from the pen of the DMS graduate who performed the operation—have to do not with espionage, but with surgery. And humanity.

COVER (jpg) (pdf)

Devastation comes in many forms, some easily recognizable, some less so. This photograph was taken by DMS alumna Karen Kramer Hein '68 after the 2004 tsunami. See the feature "Seismic Effects" for more.

Guided imagery wins converts at DHMC

Chemo first: A new regimen for pancreatic cancer

Seismic Effects

If you'd like to offer feedback about Dartmouth Medicine, we'd welcome getting your comments at DartMed@Dartmouth.edu.

Winter 2005

Dartmouth Medical SchoolDartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterWhite River Junction VAMCNorris Cotton Cancer CenterDartmouth College