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Vital Signs
Worthy of note: Honors, awards, appointments, etc.
The Accreditation Council for
Graduate Medical Education
presented Richard Dow, M.D., a professor
of surgery, with its 2005
Parker J. Palmer "Courage to
Teach" Award. The award recognizes
directors of residency
programs who
exhibit particular
to teaching.
Dow served as
director of the
DHMC general
surgery residency
program from 1995 to
2004; he is also chair of the Department
of Surgery.
Michael Simons, M.D., a professor of medicine and chief of the Section of Cardiology, was recently elected president-elect of the North American Vascular Biology Organization.
June Robinson, M.D., chief of the
Section of Dermatology, recently
received the American Cancer
Society's St. George Medal—the
honor awarded
by the society
to volunteers
in the fight
against cancer.
It was presented
at the annual
meeting of the society's Illinois
chapter, with which Robinson
was active until joining the
DMS faculty earlier in 2004; she
was previously on the faculty of
Loyola University in Chicago.
Victor Ambros, Ph.D., a professor of genetics, was a corecipient of Brandeis University's 2005 Rosenstiel Award; it is presented for "distinguished work in the basic medical sciences."
Hilary Llewellyn-Thomas, Ph.D., a
professor of community and family
medicine, recently received
the Society for
Medical Decision
Award, which
recognizes the
practical application
of medical
decision-making research.
Three members of the DMS faculty were recently inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society: Joseph O'Donnell, M.D., a professor of medicine; Paul
Manganiello, M.D., a professor of obstetrics and gynecology; and William Boyle, M.D., a professor of pediatrics. Founded by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, the society honors physicians, medical students, and residents for exemplary service to others, excellence in clinical care, and compassionate and respectful relationships with patients and families. The induction ceremony was held at the annual meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges.
Two members of the DMS
faculty were recently appointed
to committees
of the Institute
of Medicine.
Patricia Carney,
Ph.D., an associate
of community
and family
medicine, was named to its
Committee on Improving Mammography
Quality Standards, a
subgroup of the National Cancer
Policy Board. And Elliott Fisher,
M.D., M.P.H., a professor of
medicine, was named to the institute's
Committee on Redesigning
Health Insurance Benefits,
Payment, and Performance
Improvement Programs.
Michael Cole, Ph.D., a professor of pharmacology and toxicology, was named to the Cancer Molecular Pathobiology Study Section of the National Institutes of Health.
Robert Harris, M.D., an associate professor of radiology, was named a Fellow of the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound.
Bernard Arons, M.D., an adjunct professor of psychiatry, was appointed executive director and CEO of National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. The nonprofit organization advances innovative solutions concerning substance abuse, mental health problems, HIV/AIDS, and related areas.
James Wrobel, D.P.M., an assistant professor of community and family medicine, and Michael Beach, M.D., Ph.D., an associate professor of anesthesiology, received the William J. Stickel Bronze Award for Research and Papers in Podiatric Medicine from the
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association.
The New Hampshire chapter of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill recently recognized two members of the DMS faculty. Steven Cauble, M.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry, was named the state's Child Psychiatrist of the Year; and Lisa Mistler, M.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry, was named Adult Psychiatrist of the Year.
Ashraf Koraym, M.D., an instructor in medicine, was a founding member of the National Fiber Council, created as a resource for consumers, health-care professionals, and the media regarding the benefits of fiber.
Lee Witters, M.D., a professor of medicine, was selected to receive the Profiles in Excellence Teaching Award, presented by Dartmouth College's undergraduate Student Assembly.
Charles Barlowe, Ph.D., a professor of biochemistry, was recently appointed dean of graduate studies for Dartmouth College. He has also served as chair of the Molecular and Cellular Biology doctoral program.
Gerald O'Connor, Sc.D., Ph.D., a professor of medicine, has been appointed associate dean for the evaluative clinical sciences for DMS. In this capacity, he will promote the academic interests of the Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences.
William Garrity, director of the biomedical libraries, was selected as a mentor in the Leadership Fellows Program of the National Library of Medicine and Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries.
Roy Wade, a third-year medical student, was this year's recipient of the Dean of the College Award for Service for his work in community outreach.
The Department of Veterans Affairs presented the White River Junction, Vt., VA Medical Center—for the third year in a row—with the Robert W. Carey Trophy Organizational Excellence Award.
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