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Vital Signs
New on the bookshelf: Recent releases by DMS faculty authors

Palliative Care in Neurology. Edited by Raymond Voltz, M.D.; James Bernat, M.D., professor of neurology at DMS; et al.; Oxford; 2004. This book aims to help define a new field, the palliative care of patients with degenerative neurological disorders. It outlines basic principles of palliative care for patients with stroke, Parkinson's, dementia, epilepsy, and other diseases. It describes the specific needs of such patients as well as how to manage the most frequent symptoms, such as spasticity and communication impairment. Also discussed are ethical issues and decision-making at the end of life.

A-Z Common Symptom Answer Guide. By John Wasson, M.D., professor of community and family medicine at DMS; et. al.; Mc- Graw-Hill; 2004. This book is designed to help people answer questions about symptoms before calling a doctor. It contains tips on what to do and not do in given situations and questions a doctor may ask. The symptoms covered range from allergies to chest pain and from vomiting to frostbite.
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