Research Briefs

Back surgeries are getting increasingly complex,
according to a team of researchers that
included Dartmouth-Hitchcock orthopaedist
Sohail Mirza, M.D. The overall rate of surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis—a narrowing
of the spinal canal in the lower back—dropped between 2002 and 2007
among Medicare beneficiaries, but the
rate of the most complex surgeries for
this condition grew rapidly. As a result,
Mirza and his coauthors noted, "although the
overall procedure rate fell 1.4%, aggregate
hospital charges increased 40%."

Knife point
After nine years of waiting, surgeons and
cardiologists at Dartmouth-Hitchcock and
around the country finally got the results of
a much-anticipated clinical trial. DHMC was
one of 117 institutions that took part in the
Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy
versus Stenting Trial (CREST), which assessed
whether endarterectomy
(a surgical procedure) or stenting
(a minimally invasive procedure)
is more effective at preventing strokes
and heart attacks in at-risk patients. The trial
showed that, overall, the procedures are
equally effective. But patients older than 70
did somewhat better with surgery, while
those 69 and under did better with stenting.
DMS's Kent Hymel, M.D., led a study of head trauma in children under 3 years of age. The deeper the injury, his team found, the more likely it was to have been the result of abuse.

Healthy communication
Dartmouth researchers reported that communication
between mothers and daughters
plays a large role in determining whether
young women receive the HPV vaccination.
They surveyed almost 1,000 female undergraduates
to determine their knowledge
of HPV, their perceptions of HPV risk, and
the openness of their communication
with their mothers. Just under half (49%)
had received at least one shot in the three-shot
vaccine series. "The mother's approval
of HPV vaccination, mother-daughter communication
about sex, and daughter's perceptions
of vulnerability to HPV were positively
associated with vaccination status,"
the researchers wrote in Pediatrics.

Water proof
Tens of millions of people use drinking water
containing levels of arsenic—a known carcinogen—above the maximum recommended
by the World Health Organization.
Now, DMS researchers have reported
that arsenic might trigger a cell signaling
pathway called Hedgehog that is associated
with several cancers. Patients exposed
to arsenic had high levels of Hedgehog signaling.
"Our study provides for the first time
evidence that links activation of the Hedgehog
pathway with arsenic exposure," they
wrote in the journal Cancer Research.
More Medicare enrollees are getting new joints, reports the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care; from 2000-01 to 2005-06, hip replacements rose 15%, knees 48%, and shoulders 67%.

Sensational study
A DMS-led team assessed if teenagers who
exhibit sensation seeking—the "tendency to
seek out novel and exciting stimuli"—are
more likely to start drinking or smoking.
They surveyed adolescents aged 10 to 14 and
used a series of questions to rate their sensation-
seeking tendencies. The team reported
in Addiction that "sensation seeking
was found to be a moderately strong
predictor of binge drinking and a strong predictor
of established smoking." The authors
argue that interventions to prevent binge
drinking and smoking among adolescents
should primarily target sensation seekers.

A PSA about PSA screening
"There is growing concern that older adults
are at risk for exposure to potentially harmful
treatments for which the promised benefit
is small, if not absent," wrote Julie Bynum,
M.D., and her coauthors in the Journal of the
American Geriatrics Society. They examined
rates of prostate-specific antigen
(PSA) screening in men 80 and older.
PSA testing can signal a risk of
prostate cancer but also involves potential
harms and, in some populations, a low likelihood
of benefit. Bynum found that rates of
screening in this age group varied from 2% to
38% and that regions with higher rates had
higher overall Medicare expenditures.
DMS's Laura Barre, M.D., studied 183 older adults and found they were at higher risk of frailty (such as weight loss, weakness, or low activity) if they had a serious mental illness.
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