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Vital Signs

New on the bookshelf: Recent releases by DMS faculty authors

Communication and Professionalism Competencies: A Guide for Surgeons. Edited by Pamela A. Rowland, Ph.D., research associate professor of community and family medicine at DMS; and Nicholas P. Lang, M.D. CineMed, 2007. Designed for surgeons, this book describes communication competencies in various situations, covering physician etiquette, professional image, and cultural adaptability. It discusses how to make oral presentations, disclose adverse outcomes, and request organ or tissue donations.

Babies by Design: The Ethics of Genetic Choice. By Ronald M. Green, Ph.D., adjunct professor of community and family medicine at DMS and director of the Ethics Institute at Dartmouth. Yale University Press, 2007. This book presents a scientifically and ethically informed view of human geneticmodification and explains the possibilities for the future. It outlines new capabilities in genomic science; addresses questions of safety, parenting, and social justice; and explores religious implications of gene modification.

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