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Transforming Medicine Campaign
Raising the bar
The financial goal of the Transforming
Medicine Campaign for
Dartmouth Medical School and
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
Center is to raise $250 million
by 2009. Even more far-reaching
is its goal of "raising the bar"
in medicine.Of questioning
assumptions—respecting tradition
but not following it blindly.
Of erasing boundaries—translating
science from the lab bench
to the bedside by connecting researchers
with clinicians.Of
creating solutions to the nation's
most critical health-care issues.
Of transforming medicine.
Campaign update
The Transforming Medicine
Campaign has reached an exciting
milestone, with gift commitments
now surpassing $200 million.
The Transforming Medicine
gala in mid-May epitomized
the energy and momentum
driving the Campaign and
itself raised over $1.1 million for
the C. Everett Koop Medical
Science Complex.The Campaign
total to date includes 15
gift commitments of $1 million
or more.These lead gifts are supporting
a variety of campaign
priorities—including endowed
scholarships and professorships;
cancer care and research at Dartmouth's
Norris Cotton Cancer
Center; special programs at the
Children's Hospital at Dartmouth;
innovative mental health
initiatives; palliative-care efforts;
and the collaborative, translational
research that will eventually
move into the Koop
Medical Science Complex.
Learning more
For more about the Transforming Medicine Campaign, visit http://transmed.dartmouth.edu
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Kate Villars is assistant director of development communications for DMS-DHMC.
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