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Vital Signs

Grant income goes up by four more percentage points

By Jennifer Durgin

Funding for grants and contracts at DMS grew 4% in FY06, to $137,269,833. Overall, external support has increased by 70% since 2001.

These gains are considerable, since federal research funding has stagnated in recent years. In fact, the budget of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)—the largest source of funding for DMS and many other medical schools—decreased slightly from fiscal year 2005 to 2006.

Pot: Yet despite the smaller federal pot, DMS still drew $91.6 million from the NIH and other Health and Human Services agencies. Funds also came from the state of New Hampshire ($12.9 million), other government entities ($9.9 million), foundations ($8.1 million), and corporations ($6.8 million).

The Departments of Medicine, Ob-Gyn, Physiology, and Psychiatry all saw increases of $1 million or more over their FY05 totals. Several departments held steady in FY06, and only a handful saw significant decreases.

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