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Vital Signs

Facts & Figures - Organ recital

A paean to the history of organ transplantation


16th century
An Italian surgeon successfully transplants skin flaps from patients' own arms to reconstruct their noses

17th century
A Dutch surgeon performs the first successful bone graft, transplanting pieces of a dog's skull to repair a human cranium


An Austrian surgeon performs the first successful cornea transplant

A Boston surgeon performs the first successful kidney transplant

Congress passes the U.S. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act


Dr. Horace Henriques performs Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center's first successful kidney transplant

3-5 days
Usual hospital stay for a DHMC kidney transplant patient today

Average three-year graft survival for U.S. kidney transplantations

Average three-year graft survival for DHMC kidney transplantations

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