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Vital Signs
New on the bookshelf: Recent releases by DMS faculty authors
Space Physiology. By Jay C. Buckey, Jr., M.D., associate professor of medicine at DMS; Oxford University Press; 2006. Buckey, a former astronaut as well as a physician, explores the effects of long-term space travel on the human body. His book combines research with practical advice on dealing with such problems as bone loss, kidney stones, motion sickness, and radiation exposure. Also covered in the book are long-duration medical planning, relevant gender differences, the physiology of extravehicular activity, and postflight rehabilitation.
House Calls with John. By John Radebaugh, M.D., associate professor of clinical community and family medicine emeritus at DMS; Peter E. Randall Publisher; 2006. Radebaugh describes his experiences caring for migrant farmworkers on the East and West Coasts and advocating for their needs. A theme throughout the book is his belief in the value of house calls. (Excerpts from a prepublication draft of this book ran as the feature "House Calls with John" in the Spring 2005 issue of Dartmouth Medicine).
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