Editor's Note
Important precepts
By Dana Cook Grossman
"All for one and one for all" is surely history's most-often-quoted statement of solidarity. It's actually a slight misquote of d'Artagnan, the swashbuckling fourth Musketeer in Alexandre Dumas's Three Musketeers. According to Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, what d'Artagnan said was "All for one, one for all," splicing the two parts of the precept with a comma rather than "and." In any case, either the whole phrase or one of its parts was used nearly 1,000 times during the last year alone in the periodicals indexed on LexisNexis.
The phrase (rendered correctly, with a comma) was also the title of an Oprah Winfrey episode that featured a Starbucks manager who had shared her multimillion-dollar lottery winnings with her coworkers. And All for One is a children's book about acceptance among friends, while One for All is a sociological treatise on group dynamics.
D'Artagnan's message of solidarity has particular relevance right now to the Dartmouth medical community. See page 17 for a story on the launch of a $250-million capital campaign for Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Known as the Transforming Medicine Campaign, it is also evidenced in this issue (on page 68) by a redesign, reflective of the campaign identity, of a section of the magazine now called "Philanthropy" (formerly called "Development").
So why is this phrase relevant to this campaign? Well, when big institutions raise big sums of money, they often find it most efficient to do so separately. Sort of an "all for me" precept. But Transforming Medicine—not just its Medical School priorities, but also its DHMC priorities—has been wholeheartedly embraced by Dartmouth College. In fact, Dartmouth College President Jim Wright spoke at the launch.
That's notable because DHMC is a completely separate corporate entity, yet the College has increasingly come to appreciate the value for undergraduates of being able to study and do research and volunteer at DHMC, and the value for faculty of cross-campus interdisciplinary research collaborations. Likewise, DHMC has increasingly come to appreciate the value of interactions with the College— the richness that its resources in the arts and humanities can bring to medicine, for example.
Within DHMC as well, the campaign launch was marked by unprecedented solidarity. At the individual level, the Dartmouth medical community is an unusually collegial place, as the feature on page 48 attests. Even at the institutional level, the Medical Center's component organizations—the Medical School, Mary Hitchcock Hospital, the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic—have engaged in joint planning and budgeting for some time. But for whatever reason, all the entities' boards had not ever met together. Yet just a few hours before the campaign launch announcement, a vote affirming the campaign was passed at a joint meeting of the DMS Overseers and the DHMC, Hospital, and Clinic Trustees. It was the first time those bodies had ever gathered in the same room. "All for one" was definitely the mood of the meeting.
Right below the "all for one, one for all" entry in Bartlett's is an equally famous Dumas line— but this one appears in a novel little known in the English-speaking world. In Ange Pitou, set during the storming of the Bastille, Dumas wrote: "Nothing succeeds like success."
The Musketeers would surely have subscribed to this precept as well. The saga of their adventures, first published in 1844 as a magazine serial, has been translated into over 30 languages, is still in print in a number of editions, and has been adapted for the silver screen dozens of times. But in spite of the fact that he made a fortune (or perhaps because of it), Dumas was treated dismissively by critics.
This precept is pertinent to Transforming Medicine, too, since the campaign is a symbol of incredible success at DMS and DHMC in recent decades. The campaign goal is high because the passion and intellect to apply the funds run deep. And, like Dumas's novels, campaigns are sometimes treated dismissively, as merely about money. But tell that to the patients who are healed, the students who are mentored. And consider the fact that within that $250 million lies the genesis of the people and programs and buildings that you'll be reading about in these pages for decades to come.
" 'And now, gentlemen,' said d'Artagnan, without stopping to explain his conduct to [his fellow Musketeer] Porthos, 'All for one, one for all—that is our motto, is it not?'" That is our motto at Dartmouth, too. You can quote me on that.
Dana Cook Grossman
Laura Stephenson Carter
Jennifer Durgin
Matthew C. Wiencke
Sion E. Rogers
Sandy Adams
Barbra Alan
Nardi Reeder Campion
Jon Douglas
Kristen Garner
Ann McLane Kuster
Lee McDavid
Edward J. Merrens, M.D.
Roger P. Smith, Ph.D.
Alan Smithee
Stephen P. Spielberg, M.D., Ph.D.
Catherine Tudish
Julie Suzumi Young
Adrian Bouchard
Suzanne DeJohn
Flying Squirrel Graphics
Alfred Feingold, M.D.
Jon Gilbert Fox
Medora Hebert
Lee McDavid
Chris Milliman
New England Ski Museum
Andy Nordhoff
Pine Tree Photos
Steve Price
Bruce Wahl
Mark Washburn
Ken Williams
Kate Siepmann
James L. Bernat, M.D., HS '73-77
Shayan Bhattacharyya, DC '01,
CECS Ph.D. Student
Lin A. Brown, M.D., HS '79-85
Theresa Bryant
David C. Goodman, M.D., CECS '95
Nancy Price Graff
Joan S.L. Hier, DC '01, DMS '07
Katherine J. Little, M.D.
Malcolm W. Mackenzie, M.D. '90
Joseph E. Melton, Ph.D. '82
Maureen S. Micek, M.D. '90
Katrina Mitchell, DMS '06
Elmer R. Pfefferkorn, Ph.D.
Drew Remignanti, M.D., DC '75
David H. Rubin, M.D., HS '01-04
John H. Sanders, Jr., M.D.
Stephen H. Taylor
Hali Wickner
Charles R. Wira, Ph.D. '70
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