Geisel Students Celebrate Match Day Success

Caledonia Buckheit '18 and husband discover her match.
For medical students, the annual Match Day event is one of the most anticipated and exciting days of their medical education as they discover where they will start their residency training after graduation. At this year's Match Day, graduating students at Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine joined a record high 37,103 U.S. and international medical school students and graduates vying for 33,167 residency positions, the most ever offered in the Match.
"We are very proud of graduates and are excited about their success in the residency match process," says Duane Compton, PhD, dean of the Geisel School of Medicine. "I look forward to learning about their successes in residency training."
Every year, fourth-year medical students submit their top choices for residency programs into a computer program operated by the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC). Residency programs also submit lists of applicants in their order of preference. The lists are then compared against each other utilizing the AAMC's computer algorithm, matching students to their residency program.
We are very excited that once again our students matched into very competitive programs across the country.
"We are very excited that once again our students matched into very competitive programs across the country," says Greg Ogrinc, MD, senior associate dean for medical education at Geisel. "They will carry the Geisel tradition forward of being excellent, patient-centered clinicians and researchers in all specialties and locations. Our graduates make impacts across the continuum of care for patients, families, communities, and healthcare systems."
Primary care was once again the most popular specialty choice among Geisel students with 31 choosing residencies in family medicine, internal medicine, or pediatrics. Emergency medicine, anesthesiology, and radiology were the next most popular specialties. This year, Pennsylvania was the most popular destination for Geisel students, followed by Massachusetts, California, and New York.
After graduation, members of Geisel's Class of 2018 will start their residencies at some of the most prestigious programs in the U.S, including Brigham & Women's Hospital, Cleveland Clinic, University of California San Francisco, Johns Hopkins Hospital, UCLA Medical Center, Yale-New Haven Hospital, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, BI Deaconess Medical Center, Emory University Hospital, Duke University Medical Center, and many more.

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