Vital Signs
President of Kosovo visits Dartmouth, bestows honor on Strickler

Atifete Jahjaga, the President of Kosovo, presents James Strickler with the Humanitarian Medal of Mother Teresa.
The strong ties between Dartmouth and Kosovo were forged even before the young nation gained its independence in 2008. In March, those ties grew even stronger when the president of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, visited Dartmouth, meeting with faculty and students and speaking about the challenges her country has faced.
During her visit, Jahjaga also honored Dr. James Strickler, a professor and former dean of the medical school, with the Humanitarian Medal of Mother Theresa. Strickler became involved in Kosovo in 1999, when he began working with the International Rescue Committee in refugee camps to help those affected by the Serbian conflict. When the war ended, he led the creation of exchanges that have now seen more than 200 Dartmouth and Kosovar students and faculty learn from each other. And in recent years, Strickler has helped start the process of rebuilding Kosovo's health-care system, which was decimated by war.
"We are grateful to you for all you have done for the people of Kosovo," Jahjaga told Strickler.
Jahjaga talking with Dean Souba.
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