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Vital Signs
Facts & Figures - Taken for granted
$10.4 billion
Extra funds for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the 2009 federal economic stimulus package
Number of jobs now supported by NIH grants to external organizations
Number of years the NIH budget has failed to keep pace with inflation
Loss in purchasing power by the NIH budget over that period
Estimated number of scientifically meritorious research proposals that the NIH had approved but had been unable to fund
Return on every research dollar from the NIH in business activity (increased output of goods or services) at the state or local level
$90 million
Grants from the NIH to New Hampshire institutions in 2007
$182 million
Estimated new business activity generated in the state by those funds
Percentage of NIH awards to Dartmouth Medical School funded on the first submission in 2002; the national figure that year was 64%
Percentage of NIH awards to Dartmouth Medical School funded on the first submission in 2007; the national figure that year was 39%
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