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Vital Signs
Then & Now
A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from the Spring 1978 issue of this magazine:
A news article titled "Faculty
Committee Reports on
Study of DMS Program"
explained that "the report
noted that Dartmouth, with
192 [M.D.] students is
the second smallest of 113
U.S. medical schools and
that only 18 others have
enrollments under 400."
Number of students
enrolled in DMS's
M.D. program in 2008
Number of U.S. medical
schools in 2008
Number of those schools
with enrollments under 400
Number with enrollments
smaller than DMS's
A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from the 1958-59 DMS bulletin:
"It is almost impossible for a
student to engage in outside
remunerative employment
during the school year. . . .
The student who is unable
to pay the complete cost of
. . . at least the first year is
advised to withhold registration
until he [sic] can
arrange for sufficient funds.
. . . Financial aid is available
through . . . a limited
number of scholarships."
Annual DMS tuition
in 1958-59
Annual DMS tuition
in 2007-08
Percentage of the student
body that today receives
scholarship funds
A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from a 1919 monograph titled The Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital—Its First Quarter Century:
"The hospital charge for
private patients varied from
$15 to $25 a week, according
to the room occupied,
and was $12 a week for patients
in the general wards.
Although the latter charge
was never sufficient to cover
the expense of a patient,
no one was ever refused
admission because of his
inability to pay that sum. . . .
The Hospital was thus truly
a charitable institution, from
whose doors, as has been
said, no one was ever turned
away on account of poverty."
$56 million
Amount of unreimbursed
charitable care and
uncompensated care
for Medicaid patients
provided at DHMC in FY06
If you'd like to offer feedback about this article, we'd welcome getting your comments at DartMed@Dartmouth.edu.
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