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Vital Signs
Clinical Observation
In this section, we highlight the human side of clinical academic medicine, putting a few questions to a physician at DMS-DHMC.
M. Shane Chapman, M.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology)
Chapman's clinical interests include the nonsurgical treatment of melanoma, synthetic skin grafting, cosmetic laser surgery, dermal fillers, biologic psoriasis therapy, and dermatology clinical trials. He has been at Dartmouth since 1999.
How did you become interested in dermatology?
I had my first experience with dermatology as
an intern. It was fun! As dermatologists, we really,
truly help patients multiple times a day,
which I did not think I could accomplish in
many other specialties. Dermatology is a very
positive branch of medicine.
Are there any misconceptions people have about your field?
Yes. Many. Most people (including government
officials) think dermatologists are acne-only
doctors, that we do not have intensely ill patients,
that we never have emergencies, and that
skin diseases are easy. It is true that the majority
of our patients
do have straightforward,
treatable conditions,
but there
are many skin
problems that remain
a challenge
and a concern to
patients. When I
left internal medicine
for dermatology
training, my medical mentors told me that
I would be bored. It has been 11 years. I am still
waiting for that first day of boredom!
What's your favorite nonwork activity?
Golf, mountain biking, and just walking in the
Finish this sentence: If I had more time I would . . .
Sleep. Read. Spend more time with my children.

What do family and colleagues
give you a hard time about?
I can't dance and I am a neat
freak! And I need to exercise more.
What's the toughest lesson you ever had to learn?
No matter how hard I try, not everyone is going
to like me.
What famous person, living or dead, would you most like
to spend a day shadowing?
Thomas Jefferson. He was so much more than a
president. He was a builder, an inventor, a
thinker, a visionary—a true Renaissance man.
Also, I am from Louisiana, so I owe him for buying
that land.
If you could travel anywhere you've never been, where
would it be?
Africa. Besides the animals, flora, and climate
differences, there is something unique and interesting
about a continent with less development,
less industry, and less commercialism.
Who knows, perhaps less is better.
If you won $1 million, what would you do with it?
Pay off my student loans and spend a year in
What about you would surprise most people?
I am very shy!
What music is in your CD player right now?
Fats Domino, Percy Sledge, U2.
What historical event would you most like to have been
present at in person?
The American Revolution. We glorify our past
a lot, and perhaps it was indeed a great time to
live, but I'd like to see firsthand how hard daily
life was then. Those who survived and thrived
had to be tough, smart, and optimistic. They
wanted more. I think this is where we Americans
get our insatiable thirst for more.
What's one thing that you would change about yourself?
To learn to go slower, have more patience, and
enjoy each and every moment of every day.
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