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Research Briefs
Put your right knee in . . .
If you need both knees replaced, should you
have them done separately (two operations
but easier recovery) or together (harder recovery
but one operation)? A recent DMS
study in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
shed light on a factor in the decision. The
researchers examined 122,385 Medicare
enrollees and found that the adjusted risk
of a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot in
the lung, is about 80% higher in the
three months after a simultaneous procedure
than in the three months after a oneknee
procedure, which, they wrote, "suggests
that the sum of the risks associated with the
two operations . . . may equal or exceed the
risk of simultaneous total knee replacement."
Mind the gap
Alan Green, M.D., was the lead author of a
paper in Schizophrenia Research that compared
two different medications for patients
who experienced a first episode of psychosis.
In the double-blind, two-year, multisite
trial, 263 patients were randomly
assigned to take either olanzapine or
haloperidol. Those in the olanzapine
group were less likely to stop taking the drug
and more likely to experience remission.
"The data," wrote the authors, "suggest some
clinical benefits for olanzapine," though they
added a cautionary note about side effects.
Take this to heart
Wider use of a new cardiovascular screening test—for a substance
called c-reactive protein
(CRP) —"doesn't make much sense," according
to Steven Woloshin, M.D., and colleagues.
DMS researchers reported in the
Journal of General Internal Medicine that
adding CRP testing to routine assessments
would increase the number of
Americans eligible for cholesterol-lowering
medication by about 2 million if
used judiciously and by over 25 million
if used broadly—with most of those people
being at low risk for heart problems. Doctors
should instead focus on treating highrisk
patients, the authors argued.
Totally random
A team of Dartmouth researchers compared four different
statistical methods for analyzing
data in observational studies—that is,
studies of patients who have already been
treated, rather than randomly assigned
to get one or another treatment. Observational
studies are less expensive and
less cumbersome, but, said the authors in
the Journal of the American Medical Association,
caution needs to be used in interpreting
their findings. They analyzed a single set of
data four ways; a method called instrumental
variable analysis proved most consistent with
the findings of randomized studies.
Can calcium help?
A recent Dartmouth study in the Journal of
the National Cancer Institute showed that calcium
may provide some protective effect
against colorectal cancer. John Baron, M.D.,
and colleagues examined data from an earlier
trial that had randomly assigned 930 patients
with a recent adenoma to take either
a placebo or a 1200-mg calcium supplement.
Adenomas are benign tumors that
may progress to colorectal cancer. The
new analysis, of 822 records, found that in
the first five years after patients' treatment
ended, the risk of another adenoma was
31.5% in the calcium group and 43.2% in the
placebo group. The protective effect was not
evident after five years, however.
Cellular call
Ethan Dmitrovsky, M.D., led a team that
identified a new way in which arsenite, a
form of arsenic, acts against a rare cancer
called acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).
The study, published in the Journal of
the National Cancer Institute, showed
that arsenite causes rapid destabilization of
lysosomes, a part of the cell containing enzymes
that are able to destroy APL cells;
when the lysosomes break apart, the enzymes
are released. It had previously been known
that arsenite was effective against APL, but
the reason was poorly understood.
A trial to see if a tuberculosis vaccine keeps
HIV-positive Tanzanians from getting TB found
that 94% of the subjects showed an immune
response; DMS was a partner in the study.
Using digital 3D modeling, radiology researchers
found erectile dysfunction may be affected by
bike-riding, due to arterial constriction. Rider
position and seat design are the key factors.
DHMC was recently reverified as a Level I
trauma center by the American College of Surgeons.
It's one of only 45 centers nationwide
with level I "adult and pediatric" designation.
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