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Vital Signs
Worthy of note: Honors, awards, appointments, etc.
Allen Dietrich, M.D., a professor of
community and family medicine,
was named a
member of the
U.S. Preventive
Task Force, the
nation's leading
panel for
preventive and
primary care. He is also cochair
of the John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation Initiative
on Depression and Primary
Care, a national program based
at Dartmouth.
Richard Powell, M.D., a professor
of surgery, was recently appointed
as a member
of the Bioengineering,
and Surgical
Sciences Study
Section of the
National Institutes
of Health's Center for
Scientific Review.
Diane Harper, M.D., a professor
of community and family medicine,
was the
lead author of
a paper that
was chosen as
runner-up for
the best medical
paper of 2006
by a panel of Lancet editors and
an international advisory board.
The paper reported results of a
cervical cancer vaccine trial.
Kiang-Teck Yeo, Ph.D., a professor of pathology, was named chair-elect of the molecular pathology division of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry. He will serve as chair for the 2008-09 term.
Karen George, M.D., an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology and the director of DHMC's ob-gyn residency program, was presented with the DHMC Courage to Teach Award, recognizing the outstanding residency director.
Katherine McFaun Williams, B.S.N., a clinical resource coordinator in the DHMC Office of Care Management, was honored
by the Vermont State Nurses' Association as the 2006 recipient of the organization's Distinguished Service Award. She has served the Vermont State Nurses' Association as a district president, chair of the nominating committee, and state president.
Frank Musiek, Ph.D., a visiting professor of surgery and the former director of audiology at DHMC, received the American Academy of Audiology's James Jerger Career Award for Research in Audiology. It is the nation's major award in the field of audiology.
Seddon Savage, M.D., an adjunct associate professor of anesthesiology, was recently appointed president of the New Hampshire Medical Society. She is also the director of the Dartmouth Center on Addiction Recovery and Education.
Alfred Griggs, chair of both the
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Board of Trustees
and of the Mary Hitchcock
Memorial Hospital Board
of Trustees, received the
New England Healthcare
Assembly's Trustee Leadership
Award for 2006. He
joined the MHMH Board
in 1994 and has chaired it
since 2001, and he joined the DHMC Board
in 1999 and has chaired it since 2002.
Roy Wade, a fourth-year DMS student, was one of only five medical students nationwide named a GE Medical Scholar by the National Medical Fellowship program; open to fourth-year medical students, the fellowship will allow him to participate in a threemonth elective in Ghana, West Africa.
Narath Carlile, a second-year DMS student, received an American Medical Association Foundation 2007 Leadership Award, recognizing future leaders in organized medicine.
Jessica Morgan, James Town, and Kristen Yurkerwich, all second-year DMS students, accepted the Martin Luther King, Jr., Dartmouth Social Justice
Award, in the student organization category, on behalf of the DMS Community Service Committee's Mascoma Clinic Project. See here in this issue for more about the Mascoma Clinic.
Eight first- and second-year Dartmouth medical students—Omri Ayalon, Leslie Claracay, Nicolas Ellis, Umbareen Mahmood, Carolyn Presley, Rajesh Ramanathan, Katherine Ratzan, and Pablo Valdes—have been named DMS's first Urban Health Scholars. The program, which is supported by a grant from the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation, is for students interested in caring for underserved patients in urban areas. It is modeled on DMS's Rural Health Scholars Program, which is aimed at students interested in primary care in remote areas. The Urban Scholars will work during their clinical rotations and electives in neighborhood clinics, shelters, community centers, and other venues that serve vulnerable populations. Joseph O'Donnell, M.D., DMS's senior advising dean, is overseeing the program.
John Strohbehn, Ph.D., former provost of Dartmouth College, died on February 22 in Hanover, N.H. He was 70 years old. A member of the faculty at Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering from 1963 to 1993, he also held an adjunct appointment at the Medical School and collaborated on biomedical engineering research with several DMS faculty. He was provost at Dartmouth from 1987 to 1993, and it is a mark of his impact on the institution that the Medical School named its top award for a graduating Ph.D. student in his honor. After leaving Dartmouth, Strohbehn was provost of Duke University from 1994 to 1999; he retired from Duke in 2003.
Dartmouth's Norris Cotton Cancer Center and the American Cancer Society (ACS) recently announced an agreement to share information and resources and to collaborate on research, advocacy, and cancer awareness activities. One of only 39 National Cancer Institute- designated comprehensive cancer centers in the U.S., Norris Cotton is the first one in New England to enter into this kind of partnership with the ACS.
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