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Kristen Garner, a Ph.D. student in Dartmouth's pharmacology and toxicology graduate program, describes in this issue's Student Notebook section the process of learning to write about science for general readers. It was a lot harder than she thought it would be, but continued feedback, including as one of Dartmouth Medicine's editorial interns, has helped her get better and better. For more about Garner, click here. And for more on the magazine's editorial internship, click here.
Here are the articles Garner has written for Dartmouth Medicine:
Hedgehog pathway presents many puzzles
Female reproductive tract plays defense
Can "chemobrain" be mitigated?
Protein paper is picked from pack
Play, even without pay, for tobacco
Simulators can improve sedation safety
New students: 210 matriculants in 8 programs
Chimeric cell shows promise against tumors
Once-obscure enzyme is now a hot property
New doctoral program looks to promote the bench-to-bedside link
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