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Transforming Medicine Campaign
The world is a book; those who do not travel read only one page.
—Saint Augustine
On the road with DMS
By Barbra Alan
From Toledo to Thailand—and many places in between—there are over 3,000 Dartmouth Medical School alumni who are transforming medicine through careers that embody a spirit of service and a commitment to excellence.Their alma mater is transforming medicine, too, through the groundbreaking work of clinicians and researchers, the training of the next generation of physicians and scientists, and the care of patients throughout the region and beyond.
With the launch in spring 2005 of the Transforming Medicine Campaign, the DMS Office of Alumni Relations believed that the time was right to take DMS's message on the road to alumni."It's vitally important that the alumni body is kept informed about the direction of the Medical School and what its leadership and administration are doing to move DMS forward," says Theresa Bryant, director of the Office of Alumni Relations. Just as important, she adds, is increasing the sense of community among alumni and with the institution." The more we get people together socially, the stronger the ties become."
The Transforming Medicine Education Series, which debuted in April 2006, strikes a balance between keeping alumni informed of DMS's goals and priorities and giving alumni the opportunity to network and socialize with fellow graduates and other members of the Dartmouth community, including alumni from the College, Dartmouth's Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences (CECS), Tuck, and Thayer.

In Chicago, host David Teplica, in blue, opened his home to alumni from around the Windy City.
"We were treated to an intriguing and innovative view of some of the key issues facing medicine today," says alumnus Kenneth Sands, "and how DMS is directly taking them on."
Each event in the series is hosted by an alumnus or alumna and features a member of the DMS faculty whose work reflects one of the School's top priorities. Following the faculty member's address, there is an exchange of ideas and questions between the speaker and the audience.The evening concludes with a reception, where guests can mingle with each other and with the presenter. Follow us as we traveled the country in 2006:
This series is "a terrific opportunity

At the New York City alumni gathering, host Eric Donnenfeld, left, chatted with the evening's speaker, Dartmouth orthopaedic surgeon Jim Weinstein.
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Barbra Alan is assistant director of development communications for the Medical School and Medical Center.