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A Q&A with Dr. Jack Wennberg about the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care Project
John Wennberg, M.D., Ph.D., is the founding director of Dartmouth's Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences (CECS) and the Peggy Y. Thomson Professor of the Evaluative Clinical Sciences. CECS was established in 1989 and is the locus for a diverse group of scientists and clinician-scholars who conduct cutting edge research on critical medical and health issues with the goal of measuring, organizing, and improving the health-care system. The Center also publishes The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care, which demonstrates striking variations in how health care is delivered across the United States. To learn more about Wennberg's and CECS's work read "The state of the nation's health."
- What's wrong with the U.S. health-care system?
- How did you become the founder of outcomes research?
- What is the Dartmouth Atlas project?
- What are some major findings of the Dartmouth Atlas?
- Why are there geographical variations in surgical procedures?
- Why are there geographical variations in chronic illness care?
- Have the Dartmouth Atlas findings been controversial?
- How can more care result in poorer outcomes?
- What is DHMC doing to address practice variations?
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