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A Magazine for Alumni and Friends of Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Vol. 29, No. 3 Spring 2005
A Single Microbial Sea
By Doug McInnis
Once upon a time, the developed world thought infectious diseases had been more or less wiped out by vaccines and antibiotics. But today we're battling AIDS and SARS and bird flu. And tomorrow we may be contending with contagions as yet unknown. What happened? And, more to the point, what can we do about it?
Critical Concept
By Laura Stephenson Carter
The intensive care unit at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. It was a pioneering concept back in 1955. And DHMC has remained a leader in criticalcare medicine ever since.
House Calls with John
By John F. Radebaugh, M.D.
A retired member of the DMS faculty reflects on his varied career—and makes the case for the powerful healing effects of the house call.
The history of the concept of intensive care is the subject of this issue's cover feature. The cover depicts a detail from a painting by Joseph Dwaihy, DMS '06, and Sara Dykstra. The painting in its entirety, and the 1950s photo on which it's based, are reproduced in the article—which starts on page 40. The original painting hangs outside Zimmermann Student Lounge at DHMC.
New look at mammograms
Reimbursements revisited
How paramedics cope
. . . and more.
Big needs behind bars
Addressing addiction
Good reason to celebrate
Surgery sans scalpels
This research is unreal
. . . and more.
Michael Zubkoff, Ph.D.
James Norton '69 and Ph.D. '79
By Stephen Spielberg, M.D., Ph.D.
If you'd like to offer feedback about Dartmouth Medicine, we'd welcome getting your comments at DartMed@Dartmouth.edu.
Spring 2005