Art Resume of Robert E. Gosselin
(P.O. Box 217, Meriden NH 03770)
I am an emeritus professor at Dartmouth Medical School. Retirement makes it difficult to sustain an active role in either science or medicine. My solution to the retirement dilemma has been an effort to establish a new career in the visual arts.
Currently I accept commissions for portraits in charcoal, pastel and oil and do illustrations for various college magazines. To preserve flexibility in my schedule, I prefer to work from photographs, particularly well-taken family snapshots where there is no copyright issue. The photo should be close-up, preferably with off-center lighting. To have enough projects to stay reasonably active, I keep my fees modest. For more information, write me (address above) of phone (603-469-3467).
Although my interest in art extends back to childhood, it was a community class at the Hopkins Center in 1964 that rekindled a long neglected desire to be "creative." For my training I am indebted to many talented artists and teachers in the Upper Valley and elsewhere, but my interest in portraiture was most sharply focused during two years spent in a weekly painting class conducted by the late Will Hollingsworth of Windsor (VT). More recently I have participated in extended workshops under nationally renowned portrait painters Daniel Greene, Paul Leveille and Bob Gerbracht.
My portrait paintings and drawings are owned by families in the Upper Valley and elsewhere in New England, in the Netherlands, Iceland, France, Austria and Mexico. One portrait hangs in a private collection in India.
By profession, I am a scientist and physician trained in physiology and medicine. Before retiring, I served for 35 years as a professor (and founding chairman) in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Dartmouth.