Cycling for science
In July, the 32nd annual Prouty
raised a record $2.6 million with
the help of 5,800 cyclists, walkers,
rowers, and golfers, as well as many
more volunteers. The funds will
go toward research by Geisel and
Dartmouth-Hitchcock scientists and
toward patient services at Norris
Cotton Cancer Center.
Discussing Overdiagnosis
In mid-September, Dartmouth was home to the Preventing Overdiagnosis conference, hosted by TDI and
the British Medical Journal. Speakers at the conference included Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the
American Cancer Society, and Barry Kramer, director of the Division of Cancer Prevention at the National
Cancer Institute.
A few facts about the class of 2017
- There are 85 incoming medical students.
- 10 are graduates of Dartmouth College.
- The class includes 52 women and 33 men.
- They were selected out of about 5,000 applicants.
- 15 are trained as EMTs.
- 55% are members of an ethnic minority in the U.S. or an international student.
- Other countries represented include Canada, China, Germany, Ghana, India, Myanmar, Nigeria, Thailand, and Zimbabwe.
- On average, about 84% of Geisel students rely on loans from the Medical School or the federal government to fund their education.
- About 54% of Geisel students received scholarships from the Medical School.
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