Gala fund-raiser exceeds goal
Photo by Mark Washburn
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Among those who enjoyed the evening were, above from
the left, DMS Dean Bill Green and his wife, Kathy, and
Bob Thurer, DMS '68, and his wife, Shari.
By Kate Villars
Friends of Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock who attended a black-tie fund-raising gala on June 5 weren't there just to have a good time. The 500 guests were also doing their part to support and advance the excellence in teaching, research, and patient care for which the academic medical system is widely known.
Enthusiastic participation by residents of the community, faculty members, staff, and alumni demonstrated the breadth of support and depth of commitment that DMS and D-H enjoy throughout the region and beyond. Through sponsorships, ticket sales, and a live auction, the successful event surpassed its fund-raising goal of $500,000, bringing in $600,000 in critically important unrestricted funds.
Unlocking the genetics of cancer
By Kate Villars
For more than 30 years, Ken and Carol Weg have been on the front lines of cancer treatment and prevention, both personally and professionally. That commitment has taken many forms, one being their recent gift to support cancer genetics research at Norris Cotton Cancer Center.
And it's largely due to that commitment that Ken Weg has, in Carol's words, "failed retirement." In early 2001, he retired from his position as vice chairman at Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, where his 33-year career was marked by a major commitment to the pharmaceutical company's oncology business. But his passion for advancing cancer research, prevention, and treatment has not diminished, and Carol is equally committed to this cause.
Now, Ken Weg is actively involved with two companies he has cofounded—AVEO Pharmaceuticals, a biotechnology company working to develop new, targeted cancer therapeutics, and Metamark Genetics, a molecular diagnostics company focused on identifying which tumors will be aggressive and metastasize. "This has broad implications for determining what treatment strategies would be best for patients, based on the genetic signature of their individual tumors," he explains.
The Wegs' gift to Norris Cotton is inspired by both their respect for its director, Dr. Mark Israel, and their loyalty to their respective alma maters—Ken Weg is a 1960 Dartmouth alumnus and Carol is a graduate of Skidmore, where she also gives generously. Ken Weg has close ties to Norris Cotton as a member of its board of advisors. "Ken has been an invaluable advisor and sounding board for me as the Cancer Center has faced a rapidly changing and ever more challenging environment," says Israel. "The Wegs' generous support of our cancer genetics research demonstrates a keen understanding of the opportunities we have to understand and impact on this difficult disease."
Kate Villars is assistant director of development communications for DMS-DHMC.
Ken Weg expresses satisfaction at the progress that's been made in cancer treatment but describes it as "a slow grind." The future, he says, is in "personalized medicine, where specific genetic mutations in a tumor will determine the treatment of choice. That's why Carol's and my interest is in cancer genetics," he adds. "It's important that research in this area be properly funded. Genetics is the key to it all."
Ken Weg expresses satisfaction at the progress in
cancer treatment but describes it as "a slow grind."
Because cancer has touched their family, the Wegs have also supported Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, where Ken has twice been treated for non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Like Norris Cotton, Fox-Chase is one of only 40 centers nationwide designated by the National Cancer Institute as a comprehensive cancer center. Ken Weg has served on Fox-Chase's board since 1998 and chaired its recent Centennial Campaign.
Despite these many commitments, the Wegs make time to relax with their children and grandchildren at their home on Mt. Desert Island in Maine and enjoy their 42-foot Morris sailboat when the breeze is up. They also indulge their passion for adventure travel, with recent destinations including Antarctica, the Galapagos, Machu Picchu, Asia, and Newfoundland.
It's probably not fair to say that the Wegs have "failed retirement" completely, but if they don't get an A, it's more than compensated by the rewards of making a difference in the fight against cancer.
Fund for DMS sets new record
Alumni, faculty, and friends
of DMS set a new record in
unrestricted giving for the
2010 fiscal year, ending June
30. Gifts for FY10 totaled
$592,000—a 36% increase
over FY09. The Dartmouth-
Hitchcock Annual Fund
also posted strong results,
increasing 7% to almost
$757,000. Because con -
tributions to the annual
funds are unrestricted, they
provide critical support
where it is needed most.
Rain? No problem!
Heavy rain on the morning
of July 10 only strengthened
the resolve of the 4,500 people
who showed up to ride or
walk in the 29th Annual
Prouty Bike Ride and Challenge
Walk. Thanks to their
commitment, and the support
of generous
corporate sponsors,
thousands of individual
donors, and hundreds of
volunteers, this year's Prouty
raised a record $2.28 million
for Dartmouth's Norris
Cotton Cancer Center.
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