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A different perspective on Class Day
In June, members of the DMS class of 2009 gathered to celebrate their graduation. Speakers included graduate student Samuel Bakhoum, medical student Nareth Carlile, and Dr. Donald Ingber, a professor at Harvard Medical School and renowned biomedical researcher. Those in the audience listened closely to what each had to say. To get a different kind of look at their speeches, click on the Wordles below. Each image contains about 100 of the most-used words in each speech, with the size of the word in the image corresponding to the number of times the word was used in the speech. A quick glance reveals a lot about the words used to send off the class of 2009. To read the article about Class Day and see images of the occasion, read "Advice? Check. Awards? Check. Must be Class Day!" To read the complete speeches and learn more about Class Day, visit the medical school's Class Day website.
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Keynote address by Dr. Donald Ingber
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