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Transforming Medicine Campaign
Improving children's lives
When Etna, N.H., residents Ken and Vickie French began thinking about a major gift to the Transforming Medicine Campaign, they knew they wanted to make a gift that would have an immediate and significant impact on care in their region. Their $1-million commitment to the Child Advocacy and Protection Program, (CAPP) does just that.
Most vulnerable
CAPP, a program of the Children's
Hospital at Dartmouth
(CHaD), treats and cares for the
region's most vulnerable and
at-risk children—those who are
victims of abuse and neglect.
"Child maltreatment tends
to be more prevalent in rural
settings like ours, where poverty,
isolation, and alcoholism are
often higher," explains Dr. Kent
Hymel, medical director of
CAPP."In 2005, child protective
services investigated over
12,000 reports of suspected
child abuse in New Hampshire
and Vermont."
CAPP is the referral center of choice for New Hampshire and Vermont, so its staff are on call 24 hours a day to perform emergency medical evaluations and consult on any case throughout the region where child maltreatment is suspected. In addition, CAPP's multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to care provides a safety net for abused children by ensuring that they and their families receive services to support the healing process, address the root causes of abuse and neglect, and ensure a safe environment for the child."Childabuse work, when done well, involves many professionals within the community working together," explains Hymel.
Through its outreach, education, and training programs, CAPP is working to raise awareness and recognition of child maltreatment in order to ensure that no child suffering from abuse or neglect falls through the cracks. As a result, the number of children cared for by CAPP has grown by well over 100% in the last five years.
Now, CAPP is piloting new initiatives in telemedicine, such as videoconferencing with remote clinics, that will allow its services to more effectively reach children who live in distant areas."If these systems work soundly, then children will be able to get expert assessments regarding suspected child maltreatment close to home," says Hymel. When maltreatment is confirmed, CAPP staff can then advise local physicians in reporting abuse, caring for young victims, and accessing support services for children and their families.
"We cannot begin to provide an adequate level of service for these children without the support of generous community members like the Frenches," says Hymel."Less than 10% of our budget is

Kent Hymel is the medical director of DHMC's Child Advocacy Protection Program, which cares for society's most needy—children who are victims of abuse and neglect. The program's patient load has grown by more than 100% over the last five years, but patient revenues cover less than 10% of its budget. Those facts impelled Etna, N.H., residents Ken and Vickie French to make a $1-million commitment to support the program.
"There is such tremendous need," says donor Vickie French." We hope our gift will inspire broader community support of the important resource we have in CHaD."
covered by patient revenue, because these children need a level of care and support that goes far beyond what insurance will reimburse. We're tremendously dependent on philanthropy. For many kids, this kind of gift to CAPP makes the difference between living in a safe and nurturing environment or suffering potentially lifelong consequences from ongoing abuse."
Immediate impact
That's exactly the kind of return
on investment that Ken
French, a leading financial
economist, a professor of
finance at Dartmouth's Tuck
School of Business, and a
director and consultant with
Dimensional Fund Advisors, is
looking for."Given the harsh
realities of child abuse,we
wanted to make a gift with
immediate impact," he says.
"It's gratifying to know that
we can help make a difference
in these children's lives."
Adds Vickie French,"There is such tremendous need there. We hope our gift will inspire broader community support of the important resource we have in CHaD."

Raising the bar
The financial goal of the Transforming
Medicine Campaign for
Dartmouth Medical School and
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
Center is to raise $250 million
by 2009. Even more far-reaching
is its goal of "raising the bar"
in medicine. Of questioning
assumptions—respecting tradition
but not following it blindly.
Of erasing boundaries—translating
science from the lab bench
to the bedside by connecting researchers
with clinicians. Of
creating solutions to the nation's
most critical health-care issues.
Of transforming medicine.
Leadership update
Alfred Griggs, chair of the
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
Center Board of Trustees, and
Peter Fahey, a DHMCTrustee
and cochair of the Dartmouth
College Campaign for the Dartmouth
Experience, have assumed
leadership of the Transforming
Medicine Campaign
following the death of Dr. Peter
Williamson in June. Both have
served on the Transforming
Medicine Campaign Executive
Committee since the start of the
Campaign in 2002.
Griggs and Fahey have stepped forward to lead the Campaign at a time when it is enjoying tremendous momentum. The fiscal year ending June 30, 2008,was a record-breaking one for the Campaign, with over 30,000 donors making gift commitments and grants totaling $55.7 million. This strong support brings the Campaign total to date to over $209 million.
Learning more
For more about the Transforming Medicine Campaign, visit http://transmed.dartmouth.edu
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Kate Villars is assistant director of development communications for DMS-DHMC.
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