Deborah Lee Luskin
Deborah Lee Luskin writes about medicine for major medical centers, both as a translator of technical information for patient understanding and as a profiler of physicians and hospital services. She is also a facilitator in Vermont for Literature & Medicine: Humanities at the Heart of Healthcare, a nation-wide program where health-care workers meet monthly to share stories that explore the issues of whole people, not just sick bodies. Luskin is particularly interested in issues of caring for the caregiver.
As a Visiting Scholar for the Vermont Humanities Council, Luskin also facilitates literature-based book discussions in public libraries and prisons. Additionally, Luskin has taught writing to a wide variety of students of all ages and abilities, from Columbia College in New York City to Southern State Correctional Facility in Springfield, Vt.
Luskin's editorial work includes commentaries broadcast on Vermont Public Radio, a regular column in The Brattleboro Commons, Book Reviews in The Brattleboro Reformer and essays in Vermont Life, among others. She has completed two novels set in mid-century Vermont and is working on a third.
Luskin lives at Rosefire Farm, POB 99, Williamsville, VT 05362 and can be contacted at