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Vital Signs

New on the bookshelf: Recent releases by DMS faculty authors

Renal Physiology. Edited by Bruce M. Koeppen, M.D., Ph.D.; and Bruce Stanton, Ph.D., professor of physiology. Mosby; 2007. The fourth edition of this book, part of Mosby's Physiology Monograph Series, covers the fundamental concepts of normal renal function. It highlights cellular and molecular detail in supplementary boxes, incorporates updated clinical material, and includes self-study problems. Among the kidney functions covered are the regulation of body fluid, the excretion of metabolic products, and the production of hormones.

Case-based Handbook of Diagnosis, Management, and Prognosis. Edited by Morris Levin, M.D., associate professor of medicine; and Thomas N. Ward, M.D., professor of medicine. Anadem; 2006. This book brings together the perspectives of diverse pain specialists in a unified approach to the management of conditions that produce chronic pain in the head, neck, and face. It covers over 20 categories of such pain, includingmigraine, temporomandibular joint disease, and carotid artery pain.

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