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Vital Signs
Facts & Figures - We've got you covered
New Hampshire residents without health insurance coverage
Vermont residents without health insurance coverage
1.7 million
Outpatient visits to DHMC in FY05
Inpatient discharges from DHMC in FY05
Percentage of FY05 patients discharged to New Hampshire or Vermont
$18.8 million
Financial assistance provided by DHMC in FY05 to uninsured patients

Number of FY05 patients who received financial assistance
Additional patients served in FY05 through DHMC's support of clinics for uninsured, unemployed, and low-income patients
Number of patients who received support through DHMC in FY05 for the purchase of prescription medications
1st & 2nd
Rank of Vermont and New Hampshire, respectively, in the annual "healthiest state" rankings
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