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Table of Contents
A Magazine for Alumni and Friends of Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Vol. 31, No. 1 Fall 2006
Opening Doors
Photographs by Patrick J. Saine
Text by Laura Stephenson Carter
and Cara A. Mathews, M.D.
DMS has had a partnership with a Tanzanian medical school since 2000. What began as a single clinical trial is now a multifaceted exchange program that is opening doors, opening minds, and changing lives.
Dr. Mom & Dad
By Katrina Mitchell, M.D.
When the juggling act of a child or two meets the juggling act of a medical practice or two, there can be a lot of balls in the air. Here, several DMS alumni and faculty reflect on the challenges—and the joys—of balancing patients' needs at work with kids' needs at home.
A Vulnerable Place
By Emily R. Transue, M.D.
A remote Alaskan village. An elderly woman with Alzheimer's disease. The son who cares for her. These are the key elements in an experience that a DMS student had during one of her clerkships. The encounter took place over a decade ago, but its essentials are timeless and universal.
Dr. Johnson Lyimo, a Tanzanian physician for a clinical trial run jointly by Dartmouth and Tanzania's Muhimbili University, is an M.P.H. graduate of DMS. For insights into the program that brought the two schools together, see the feature "Opening Doors". The photo is by Patrick Saine.
Hard data about software
A tally of off-label drug use
DES's generational ripples
A biofilm crew
Less is more, yet again
Smoking on the silver screen
. . .and more
Amazingly simple stencil
CLIPP out this article
A subject worth harping on
Building plans for DMS
The price of care
Good night, sleep tight
Big Apple to Big Green
. . .and more
Transforming Medicine Campaign
Diane Harper, M.D., M.P.H.
Craig Thompson, M.D., '75
By Burton Eisenberg, M.D.
By Antonia Novello, M.D., Dr.P.H.
By Stephen Spielberg, M.D., Ph.D.
Kathryn Marin Collins, M.D.
If you'd like to offer feedback about Dartmouth Medicine, we'd welcome getting your comments at DartMed@Dartmouth.edu.
Fall 2006