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Vital Signs
Then & Now
A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from the Fall 1990 issue of Dartmouth Medicine:
"In 1990," wrote Dr. John Kitzhaber, "Americans will spend $650 billion on health care. Yet 19 countries have lower infant mortality rates and 26 have better cardiovascular statistics." The cause of the discrepancies, said Kitzhaber, "is not a lack of money, but rather some fatal, systemic flaws in the American health-care system."

Kitzhaber, a 1969 Dartmouth graduate who was then president of the Oregon senate and later the state's governor, went on to explain his efforts to reform Oregon's medical payment system. Today, the National Coalition on Health Care estimates U.S. health-care expenditures at $1.8 trillion.
A reminder of the pace of change, and of timeless truths, from the 1912-13 DMS course catalogue:
"The minimum requirement
for admission to
Dartmouth Medical
School is by two years of
College work. . . Applicants
must demonstrate
their ability to translate
at sight easy Latin prose."
Tuition for each of four
courses in 1912-13
(compared to $34,498 per
year in 2005-06)

"The Nathan Smith Laboratory
is a modern brick
building of two and onehalf
stories. . . . The
upper floor contains a
students' laboratory with
gas and running water.
. . . All the rooms are
well lighted by closely
placed windows."
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