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Research Briefs
Pedi patterns
More children are admitted to community
hospitals than children's hospitals, found
DMS pediatrician David Goodman, M.D.,
and colleagues. According to a study presented
at the Pediatric Academic Societies'
meeting, 64.4% of hospitalizations
for patients aged 1 to 17 were
in non-children's hospitals; general
hospitals cared for disproportionately
high numbers of 15- to 17-year-old females,
patients from low-income zip codes, and
uninsured patients. Does the U.S. need more
children's hospitals or more pediatric expertise
at community hospitals? That's a "fundamental
question that the health-care community
needs to answer," said Goodman.
Back talk
Diagnosing low-back pain can be difficult
and problematic, acknowledged Jon Lurie,
M.D., of DHMC's Spine Center in a recent
paper. The major diagnostic challenge is
"to distinguish the >95% [of patients]
who have a benign musculoskeletal
pain syndrome from the small minority
with a serious, specific disease
process that requires timely and specific therapy,"
he wrote in Best Practice & Research
Clinical Rheumatology. Fortunately, Lurie offered
a detailed decision guide to help physicians
with this diagnostic conundrum.
How low should we go?
Lowering the threshold for what's considered
abnormal in the most common prostate cancer-
screening test "would be a mistake," said
three DMS researchers in a paper in the Journal
of the National Cancer Institute. Some doctors
feel prostate-specific antigen scores as
low as 2.5 should be flagged as abnormal. But
doing so, wrote H. Gilbert Welch,
M.D., et al., would double the
number of men defined as abnormal
and subject about 1.35 million more
men aged 40 to 69 years to unnecessary biopsies.
"It is easy to diagnose more prostate cancer,"
the authors wrote. "It is not easy to
know who has clinically important disease."
Much ado about melanoma
Another paper by the same team, this one in
the British Medical Journal, concluded that a
dramatic increase in melanoma is "largely the
result of increased diagnostic scrutiny and
not an increase in the incidence of the disease."
Welch et al. examined 15 years of
Medicare data and found that "the
incidence of early-stage disease has
risen rapidly, whereas the incidence
for late-stage disease and mortality have
been relatively stable." Since it's unlikely
that treatment advances exactly keep pace
with the rising incidence, they argue, "overdiagnosis"
is the most plausible explanation.
Devilish mechanism
Two DMS researchers have revealed the insidious
process by
which a molecule called
Smad7 helps pancreatic cancers grow out of
control. Smad7—which is present in half of
human pancreatic cancers—thwarts the
usual checks and balances of cell
growth and allows the proliferation
of cells and blood vessels
that feed tumors. "It's a devilish mechanism,"
says Murray Korc, M.D., chair of medicine at
DMS and coauthor of the Smad7 paper for
the Journal of Biological Chemistry. "Smad7
not only prevents TGF-beta molecules from
slowing the cancer down, but enables them
to multiply at a high rate, and thus gives the
cancer another growth benefit."
Platelet parameters
The FDA currently allows platelets—blood
cells that aid in clotting—to be stored no
more than five days before being given to patients.
But new research by DMS pathologist
James AuBuchon, M.D., suggests that
platelets could be stored for seven days
with no significant effect on outcomes,
thanks to new bacterial detection methods.
"Extension of platelet storage and concomitant
use of a bacterial detection system would
provide logistical advantages by reducing
outdating and improving patient care," wrote
Aubuchon in the journal Transfusion.
Picking up parental habits
"Honey, have some smokes," said a 6-yearold
boy to a doll. The boy was one of 120
youngsters pretending to grocery shop as
DMS researchers observed. Led by Madeline
Dalton, Ph.D., the team found that children
were more likely to "buy" cigarettes
if their parents smoked and to
"buy" alcohol if their parents drank
at least monthly. "Our study is the first to
demonstrate that preschool children possess
social cognitive scripts of adult social life in
which the use of alcohol and tobacco play
central roles," Dalton et al. wrote in the
Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.
Reproductive immunity
Hundreds of scientific articles on the immune
system of the female reproductive tract
were recently summarized by five DMS researchers
in the Departments of Physiology
and of Microbiology and Immunology. The
goal of the summary, published in
Immunological Reviews, was "to
define the innate immune system
in the female reproductive tract and,
where possible, to define the regulatory in-
fluences that occur during the menstrual cycle."
It's essential that the tract's immunological
processes be considered "in the design
of vaccines for the protection against microbial
diseases," concluded the authors.
DMS departments whose grant funding ranks
among the top 20 of the nation's 125 medical
schools are microbiology and immunology at
9th, genetics at 11th, and biochemistry at 15th.
Calcium may do more than build strong teeth. A
DMS study showing a possible protective effect
against colon polyps was presented at a meeting
of the American Association for Cancer Research.
DMS microbiologist Deborah Hogan, Ph.D., was
one of only 15 researchers nationwide selected
as a 2005 Pew Biomedical Scholar. She studies
model systems for host-pathogen interactions.
DMS geneticist Victor Ambros, Ph.D., received
the 2005 Lewis S. Rosenstiel Award for Distinguished
Work in Basic Medical Research,
for his discovery of the first microRNA gene.
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