New on the bookshelf: Recent releases by DMS faculty authors
Physiology. Edited by Robert
Berne, M.D., D.Sc.; Matthew
Levy, M.D.; Bruce Koeppen,
M.D., Ph.D.; and Bruce Stanton,
Ph.D., professor
of physiology
at DMS.
Mosby; 2004.
broad principles
in physiology,
the fifth
edition of this textbook includes
revised illustrations, figures, and
equations to reinforce quantitative
understanding. A section on
cellular physiology discusses iontransporting
ATPases and membrane
transport proteins. The
book also includes new information
on sensory and motor systems,
the cardiovascular system,
and hormone mechanisms.
Dementia Presentations,Differential
Diagnosis, and Nosology. Edited
by V. Olga
Emery, Ph.D.,
adjunct associate
professor of
psychiatry at
DMS; and
Thomas Oxman,
professor of psychiatry and of
community and family medicine
at DMS. Johns Hopkins University
Press; 2003. This book covers
the spectrum of dementing
disorders and explains their overlap,
presentation, and differential
diagnosis. This second edition
has new material on genetics,
neuroimaging, the role of inflammation
in Alzheimer's disease,
and HIV/AIDS dementia.
The Neurolab Spacelab Mission:
Neuroscience Research in Space.
Edited by Jay Buckey, M.D., associate
of medicine
at DMS; and
Jerry Homick,
Ph.D. National
and Space Administration;
2003. This book provides an
overview of the 1998 Neurolab
space mission, which studied the
brain and nervous system during
space flight. It includes scientific
reports on sensory integration
and navigation, the balance system,
blood pressure-control, and
circadian rhythms. It also describes
equipment developed for
the flight and crewmembers' perspectives
on the mission.
Because I Said So: Family Squabbles
and How to Handle Them. By
Lauri Berkenkamp and Steven
Atkins, Psy.D., clinical associate
and instructor in psychiatry at
DMS. Nomad Press; 2003. This
guide offers
practical advice
on how to
handle the
squabbles and
hassles that
parents experience
with their children. Areas
covered include dealing with
bickering and tattling, keeping a
household running smoothly,
handling punishment, and maintaining
family serenity.
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