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Vital Signs

Plus ça change, in the DMS student body

By Matthew C. Wiencke

A few M.D. students in DMS's Class of '14 after
their White Coat Ceremony.

Index cards and Polaroid photos are increasingly rare commodities in these days of electronic databases and digital images. But even as some things change dramatically (such as the way information is processed), other things remain constant (such as the vibrancy of the DMS student body).

Since plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose (the more things change, the more they stay the same) appears to be the watchword for Dartmouth's doctors- and scientists-to-be, here, presented on media of times past, are a few facts about the Medical School's newest students.

They were admitted to several broad degree offerings: the M.D. and M.D.-Ph.D. programs, two interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs, and two master's degree programs at Dartmouth's health-policy institute.

The 194 new students came from widely varied backgrounds, but they've now settled into their new roles as learners.

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