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24 Hours On Call

MON 10:45AM Residents are almost constantly on the move, so they take advantage of every chance encounter as they go about their work. "When we run into people who we share [patients with] . . . we just stop and talk about them," says Ryder. Here, at the nursing station in the Intermediate Cardiac Care Unit, she's paused to confer with Dr. Campbell Levy, a gastroenterology fellow, about one of her patients who is on another floor. Laquer and Herndon are listening in.

MON 11:06AM Ryder, D'Souza, and Brooks, on a service elevator, are on their way to the cafeteria "for the first round of caffeine," says Ryder.

MON 11:07AM Brooks, D'Souza, and Ryder pay for their purchases. This is actually Ryder's second round of caffeine—she brought a travel mug of tea from home and drank it at morning report. This time, she's chosen a bottle of cola.

MON 11:15AM The red team meets daily from 11:00 a.m. to noon for teaching rounds—often lectures on topics relevant to patients the team is caring for, but sometimes visits to a patient's bedside to learn the fine points of physical diagnosis or to the pathology or autopsy labs. These sessions are usually led by the team's teaching attending—Dr. Mary Margaret Andrews, an infectious disease specialist—but she's away today, so she and Ryder had asked Dr. Worth Parker (standing), a pulmonologist, to present instead. He's speaking about cystic fibrosis (CF), a genetic disorder involving a buildup of mucus in the lungs, the ducts of the pancreas, and other secretory glands. "We'd had a rash of CF patients," Ryder says, "so I wanted the med student and the intern to learn a little about why we manage CF patients the way we do."

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